Free Production Checklist
1-Page Checklist PDF to Keep You On Track
Have you ever been on a shoot and overlooked some camera settings? It’s not fun but It’s not the end of the world. It’s better to be prepared to lessen those unintended slip-ups.
This is why I created this guide primarily with camera operators and AC’s in mind, to equip them with a quick checklist of settings, tasks, and even attitudes to be mindful of when setting up a shoot or during gear prep.
I got the idea looking at NFL coaches holding their color-coded, laminated play sheet on the sidelines. I thought to myself, what if I had a quick one-page guide of the many basic tasks a camera operator/AC has to remember, in sometimes rushed situations, when setting up a shoot.
Will here it is. I hope this FREE Production Checklist has value to you and makes your shoots go a little bit smoother.
Fill out the email form and download a print-quality pdf of the Production Checklist which you can use as is or get it laminated or even put a grommet on the corner, attach a zip tie and hang it on a C-stand. You can even use the backside as a white card!
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